What I’m Loving Wednesday!


First & foremost, I am loving my family (as always!). We just had our annual family gathering last week in Cape Cod with all of my Dad’s side. It’s so great to have a weekend to be all together, to spend time with our Gram and Grampy, eating lots of good food, playing games, being outside in the sun & just being silly together.


1005336_10151837989993828_646631885_nBeing able to spend time with my love was amazing as well!

photo 3Speaking of family – every Friday, because I get out of work early for summer hours, I like to go visit my Dad at his office. I’m starting to bring him green juices as a treat. I’m adding extra apple in for his newbie taste-buds.

photo 3I  grabbed lunch from a local organic salad bar and ate at the office with him.

photo 2Speaking of salads – I am loving rainbow bowls lately. Lots of color, lots of nutrients. I like to sprinkle with lemon or lime and maybe some apple cider vinegar. Simple and perfect.

photo 2I have been loving my Cuisinart Food Processor to chop up all my veggies and store them so I can quickly throw together my rainbow bowls. It takes seconds to chop things up in this baby!

photo 2I have been going through a pound of spinach every 5 days or so. I love adding them to smoothies and lately I’ve been on a  spinach salad kick.

photo 1I found these cute little guys at Whole Foods. Did you know micro-greens are WAY more nutrient dense then it’s full grown counterpart? I love the spicy, peppery taste arugula can add to a salad and these are the perfect topper.

photo 2I’ve started to make pitchers of lemon -mint water. So refreshing!  This is a great excuse to grow mint in your backyard!

photo 1Another drink I’m loving is this Concord Grape – Acai Drink made with raw apple cider vinegar. Tastes like grape juice with a little extra tang! Instead of spending the money on these bottle, I  think I’m going to start making my own by adding a touch of vinegar to big bottles of grape juice.

photo 4I was SO SUPER excited for my first picked homegrown watermelon.

photo 5Until I opened it…Well, I have about 4 more that will be ready soon and I will try to not pick them before they’re ripe!

photo 1The watermelon patch has taken over!

photo 4I specifically planted Borage this year in my front yard to attract bees and I can’t believe how much they love them.  🙂 Borage is a beautiful edible plant with bright blue star shaped flowers. I bought my seeds on Amazon.

photo 5

Speaking of bee’s, I picked up a new bottle of local bee pollen from my farmer’s market. I didn’t realize how old my bottle was at home until I ate this. Wow, such a difference in taste. I talked to the bee man and learned that bee pollen stays fresh for 3-4 months, longer if stored in fridge or freezer. He says it doesn’t necessarily go bad, it just loses it’s potency, just as a vitamin would. I am so in love with the power of bee pollen!

photo 1I sprinkle some on every smoothie I make each morning!

photo 3

photo 4Here is a smoothie recipe I made today to celebrate Peach season!!! I love adding peaches to smoothies, so I have been stocking up lately.  This weekend I plan on buying a huge bundle and freezing slices to carry me into the Fall.

Peach & Coconut Cream Smoothie

(this makes 2 servings, cut in half if you’d like)

1 can of coconut milk

4-5 peaches

1 frozen banana

1 scoop of Vanilla Protein Powder (I use Sunwarrior brand)

pinch of real vanilla powder or a splash of vanilla extract

juice from 1 small lemon or lime

1 tablespoon raw honey

*optional: tsp chia seeds

Blend & sprinkle with coconut shreds and/or bee pollen or diced up peaches!! 

photo 4I’ve also been snacking on them on the car ride back home from work.  Yum!

photo 4….and eating them post workouts. My other favorite snack as of late —-> dates dipped in peanut butter – HEAVEN!

(My favorite seat in the house – a Brookstone Massage Chair. Definitely a well spent purchase)

photo 3I found these amazing berry nut butter packets! I have a feeling these are going to be good on those dates!

photo 1Lastly, I am loving farm fresh organic produce! This was my haul from last weekend’s trip to my local farmer’s market.

photo 3….and this was my bi-weekly farm share I received yesterday.  Over abundance of veggies flowing through my kitchen!  I’m loving it because it motivates me to eat lots of good stuff. Fill your kitchen with nothing but healthy options, and you’re bound to become healthier!