What I’ve been Loving lately


unnamed-8 I am loving the big selection of Organic products at Costco! This avocado oil is now a permanent staple in my house. It is healthier then olive oil to cook with because it has a higher heat tolerance. The pretzels were so good dipped in hummus. I am usually very picky with my hummus, but this stuff is the best!


I have been really digging my mini crockpot that my mom got me. In the morning I load it up with quinoa or rice, lots of veggies, spices, miso, then add water to it and plug it in at my desk and its ready in about 15-20 minutes.


I bought a bottle of this toner from Vitacost.com and am in love!


I purchased a 3 lb bag of hemp seeds from Amazon to feed my hemp milk addiction. It is so super easy and cheap to make!

Hemp Milk (yields about 4 cups)

1 cup shelled hemp seeds
3 cups filtered water
3-4 tbsp agave nectar or raw honey (you can also use dates or coconut sugar to sweeten)
1 tsp vanilla

Blend and store in fridge.


I’ve been in the market for a healthy self tanner. I came across this on Amazon and I really like it.  My old favorite was the brand St. Tropez, but so toxic!  (back in the day when I didn’t know what I was putting on my skin.) This is something I feel good about putting on my face from time to time in the dead of winter. Is anyone else dreaming of the summer sun?

unnamedI am loving my new Citrus Juicer. I’ve been finding that Trader Joe’s has the best deals for bags of organic oranges. I’ll buy 3 bags at a time to last me through the week. The green stuff you see is Chlorophyll. My favorite way to mix it is in fresh squeezed OJ!

unnamed-6Last but not least – TONICS!

Hot tonics are such a perfect vehicle to get in superfoods, herbs and nourishing goodness into your body. They are soothing, warming and delicious! I loaded up on herbs from Jing Herbs and have been adding them to my morning tonics each day. My favorite combo at the moment:

Dandy Blend (tbls), Cistanche (tsp), Activate the Qi (tsp), Coconut Oil  (tbls), Coconut Sugar (tbls), few drops of hazlenut stevia, and CafeCeps (tsp).

I add hot water and touch of almond or hemp milk.