Blogging Buddies & Bee Pollen


photo 1Last weekend I got to hang out with my good friend and blogging buddy Lauren at her surprise 30th birthday party. Her husband was so kind to invite us. It was so nice to meet her family and help celebrate. If you guys haven’t visited Lauren’s blog yet, go on over and check it out. She was the one who inspired me to become healthy! I can’t thank her enough for her beautiful blog which has taught me so much and for her continuing support.

photo 2This frozen blueberry acai “pudding” is actually inspired by Lauren too. She blends up frozen fruit, superfoods, and a touch of water to make a thick creamy treat and tops with goodies like raisins, raw granola, and chocolate. So good!

photo 1I have been really falling in love with Jing Herbs lately. is running a special right now for Reishi Powder so I had to take advantage. I put a teaspoon of this in my morning tonics. Reishi contains multiple active ingredients that fight off inflammation, cancer cells, free radicals, & high blood pressure to name a few. (source) Reishi also has the ability to open the Heart, calm the Spirit, and gives you peace of mind. It enhances wisdom and supports spiritual evolution and insight. (source) Reishi’s effects are cumulative. You probably won’t notice anything after taking it just once or sporadically. Take it every day and be patient. It can take a few weeks to 2 months to notice an effect.

photo 4

Speaking of tonics…I want to share a good tip. A great way to sneak in more coconut oil into your life is by stirring a tablespoon into your morning tea, coffee or tonic. It makes it wonderfully creamy, healthy and mildly sweet. If you are making hot tonics with different herbs and superfoods, adding coconut oil will help you absorb the nutrients better!  I consume coconut oil on a daily basis for health. The anti-inflammatory and healing effects of coconut oil apparently play a role in soothing and healing the inflammation and injury in the digestive tract. Its anti microbial properties also effect intestinal health by killing microorganisms that may cause chronic inflammation.

photo 2My favorite discovery of the week!!! I absolutely love the sales that runs each month called “At-Cost  Specials”. This is a very rare form of bee pollen ethically crafted every two years in Western Australia. It is known to be the best tasting bee pollen in the world and I can’t agree more. This stuff is AMAZING. After trying I immediately went online to buy more, because I don’t want to wait another 2 years till the Jarrah Trees bloom again. I’ve been eating it straight out of the bag like candy! It has been tested and discovered to have high vibrational life force energy. Bee pollen contains over 5,000 enzymes, all essential amino acids, high levels of protein and a large amount of minerals and vitamins. Can’t beat that!

photo 3Loving my fruit stash this week! Meyer Lemons and oranges – yipee! My fave.

photo 4My honey completely surprised me with a date night on Friday at a wonderful local healthy Cafe. The Kitchen Witch has a 3-course candlelit dinner every Friday night. It was so enjoyable that I forgot to take pictures, but here’s the menu that my honey printed out for me beforehand. I LOVE surprises like this!

photo 3This combo is EXCELLENT in smoothies. Must try. Add some vanilla almond milk and you are all set.

photo 5Last but not least – my weekend sweet treat. Hail Merry’s Tarts are seriously too good for words. For being all raw, they are so delicious! I could eat one daily, if I could afford to!

Next post is on my favorite ways to detox! Stay Tuned!